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joffrey game of thrones

Why is Joffrey The worst?

He is a monster who doesn't desire either sex or love, but only blood and death. The fact that Joffrey, unlike Ramsay, holds dominion over all the Seven Kingdoms, makes him even more dangerous, especially when his mother is not able to…

Who killed Joffrey in the books?

On page 769 of A Storm of Swords, Littlefinger tells Sansa quite a lot about the political situation in King's Landing, including who killed Joffrey--Olenna Tyrell, the Queen of Thorns. How old is Joffrey when he dies? Joffrey…

Who killed Jaime Lannister?

After the dead were defeated, he was horrified at the fate his sister would await back in the capital, so he went back to help her. Jaime died during the Battle of King's Landing, in an attempt to get Cersei out of the capital. Who…